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목록전체 글 (107)
해당 뷰에대한 hierarchy 창이 나온다 consol 에서 해당 component에 대한 id를 찾아 복사한다 - 명령어 po id
1. build.gradle - library로 바꿔주고 applicationId 지우기 2. 앱 아이콘이 SDK 모양으로 바뀌면 성공 3. Gradle 탭에서 코끼리 클릭 4.gradle aR 타이핑 후 엔터 성공 5. Project folder- app - build - arr
1. Preference - add account - choose git lap 2. create an application- specific password 3. select all that I point in the picture and create token 4. add your git lap account and token it will be connected wit git lab 1. If Project is already uploaded source controller , in Source Controller tap - create project Remote 2. if project is not connected with source controller 1)make project in git ..
Xcode -> File -> Workspace Setting... -> change Build System to Legacy Build System.
Create IPA file -> Upload DropBox -> Setting que.plist -> Upload SPS-Synology 1. Create IPA file - in Xcode - Product - archive - Distribute app in designated folder, I can four files (A, B , info.plist , IPA ) 2. upload Dropbox - create folder as same with before(just change date or version ) 3. setting que.plist - copy que.plist and change link and ID - copy link from Dropbox-IPA and put in qu..